Monday, July 27, 2009

July 19. 2009

Dear Fam,
Okay, I got a cool experience to share with you. So we walk into downtown to try a guy named Bill Weathington. We go and he doesn’t answer so we walk back and we are like, hey lets get some ice cream, so we take like a 5-10 minute break to get ice cream. (I got moose tracks) mmmm good. Well anyways, it is getting close to dinner and Elder Lanham says well we better start heading and for some reason I’m like lets walk back to Bill’s place and my comp says like whatttt? We’d have to go all the way back there and then be late for dinner and I’m like oh I see your point and then I make a wah wah face QQ (2 eyes crying if you didn’t catch it) and I’m like K lets go. IDK why because he wasn’t home 20 minutes before. We get all the way back there and we are in this side room and there are a bunch of buttons to page all the rooms in the building (you can’t get in without them letting you in) Well, we page Bill W. and no answer?!?!? ZOMG!?!?!
We are in there for like 2 minutes and another guy walks in and pages a different room, no answer from the guy he was looking for either. We start talking and long story short, we teach a 1st lesson and part of the plan of salvation and we are going back on Friday. He was way stoked and solid. Amazing how the Lord works to lead us to someone. He was prepared for the gospel, it was tight. But ya you were probably surprised to get 2 letters in one week. KaBang. Well anyways Love Ya, thanks for the package and the pics and letters. Send more pics and letters PLZ. Elder Hinton

P.S. So I bought a bike and when I was in line, some member passing through bought my helmet, saved me $25 dollars, was pretty sweet!

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