Wednesday, June 3, 2009

May 27, 2009

(From e-mail) So this week was a very exciting week we were able to find 3 new investigators and teach 15 lessons which is the goal for full time proselyting missionaries, this week we are going for 20. I’ve learned its all about desire and to always be inspired. The other day we were gassing up and I had a guy get right in my face just screaming at the top of his lungs, it was kinda hilarious because everything he said was exactly what we believe. When you get negative opposition like that its easy to back down but idk what it is about it but it just makes me want to work harder and harder. President Fisher is now currently doing his last round of zone conferences. The end of June he will do his final transfer and then leave 10 days later so we are swamped in the office and these next couple transfers will be interesting ones since the new President will be switching alot of stuff I’m guessing. So I have a lot on my plate I’m pretty sure I will survive this transfer President told me its possible for me to be in there 9 months that’s a long stinking time but my goal in the office is to downright dominate other companionships in lessons so it makes them look stupid that office elders are smoking them on lessons. We had a few investigators at church and the ward is really excited to see a lot of missionary work getting done, since the others have been lazy pieces of hud. Elder Ellenberger is willing to work I just have the wonderful ability of being able to push people higher and higher it may be my intimidating personality idk well I hope you all have a great week love you all. Last week President Fisher’s granddaughter who was visiting cracked her head open while Pres. and Sis. Fisher where in a leadership meeting so we were able to give her a blessing, that pretty much the excitement. hehe Tell Sean to man up gonna smoke him in any sport he can think of in 15 months and something days lol

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