Monday, March 2, 2009

February 25, 2009

Dear Family, Just writing a quick note especially since I am super busy, didn't have time to write with doing all the transfer stuff. But ya I am an office Elder. President Fisher told me I will most likely be there a while. He said I will be in that chair when the new President comes in July which will last 6 months and however long Pres. Larry Gardner from St. George wants to keep me there. We live with members, not at the mission home. We share a car with the sisters. How is everyone doing back home? Oh ya just send all the mail to the mission home. Hopefully I will have time to write a longer letter later but you never know. Love, Elder Hinton

Note from Kyler's Mom: Yes, this short little letter is all we have gotten in the last 2 weeks, but I have chastised him so hopefully a better letter will come. From my e-mail conversations with him, I think he was happy in Missoula and liked his companion and they had some things going so the transfer was a little hard. But he seems to love the cushy job he has now. He says his companion is lazy though. Anyway his big diet and get in shape program has gone by the wayside. The President is always bringing food in the office for the Elders and the office couple takes them out to lunch and yes even brought Dr. Pepper for Kyler. Shameful!! But he seems happy and says he is keeping the President's computer working because, quote "all the other Elders were RETARDS" and didn't know what they were doing. When I got the phone call from Pres. Fisher telling me my son was in the Office now, at first I thought maybe he was in trouble, haha, but I guess he heard Kyler was good on computers. Anyway he is the records secretary and he keeps all the statistics, newsletters, etc. and is in charge of the referrals, the highest the referrals were before Kyler came was 98 percent and he says he will get it to 100 percent soon and the President will reward him with a dinner to whatever restaurant he chooses!! So all is well in Montana!

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