Friday, March 6, 2009

February 28, 2009

Dear Everybody, So I have been in the office a few weeks. Now it is awesome, I have my own office computer, whatever I need I got it, haha. I am the Mission Historian/Referral Secretary and Mission Computer Tech. Pretty much I fix everything from the President's 2 laptops, his tablet, Elder and Sister Carter's (the office couple) 2 computers and my companion's computer, plus all the printers, phone system, and Pitney Bowes Machine (stamp machine). We work there Mon-Sat and then go proselyte in the evenings. As the mission historian I keep track of all the baptism and all that jazz. We share a lipstick red 2009 Corolla with the sisters, Sis Christensen and Sister Granda. So we are stuck doing everything with them on P-day (Wed), except after 2:00 we drop them off and we play ball until 5, then at 6 we are back in the office. We had an investigator commit to baptism and we went to set a date and she was like well I was thinking Sept 27th because it's my birthday. I said ya I don't think so. That won't fly. So we discussed why sooner than later and I told her to pray about it and we would too. So we will see what happens this week. So time is flying by. I am coming up on the big 6 now. Oh ya! I got to go to the Billings Temple this morning with the Sisters, we aren't supposed to go until after studies but the sisters get away with anything. I have no clue why we don't live in the mission home, there are like 15 bunk beds upstairs. I know they used to, I might have to ask President. I've been pretty much told I'm going to be in the office a long time. Good thing I like computers. So the computers at Montana State University where we e-mail are absolutely crappy, so it is a pain in the butt. It takes forever to send stuff because they always freeze. Its cool as office Elders if the President wants us in the office we go in, the other night we came back in at 9 pm and didn't leave until 11:30 pm, it was pretty tight. I've just been chilling, loving the mission, it is great. So I was working out hardcore in Missoula, now I sit at a desk all day eating candy and drinking soda. Oh Yeah! But everything is going great. Love, Elder Hinton

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