Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February 4, 2009

Dear Family, What is going on in Gilbert? Is the 2 year party still a go from the time I left? That party is almost a fourth done! So the infamous week of transfers, we will get calls on Friday. I am really hoping to stay. Well one reason is I don't want to have to pack my bags! Our Mission President said I don't care what you have to do to get 8 hours of tracting weekly but you will be able to find a way. So we ditched out of our 2nd Church block, well just Elders Quorum to get to our last hour in. haha It was all sunny on Sunday, the snow nice and melting, clear sky. Wake up Monday morning and boom, like 2 inches of new snow....Boo...I want it to be summer! So these 10 lb ankle weight I have strapped to me have given my right ankle a fatty blister, hah since I wear them all day long. But no pain no gain! We are having what we call Zone Olympics on P-day. It is where our whole zone gets together for a tom of different competitions. Basketball being the big one. Oh yeah for my 6 month mark I am going to burn a tie. The one I am going to burn is one that Elder Barrera gave me. He fave me 3 that are as ugly as sin so I have 3 to pick from. Elder Barney and I are doing great. I hope I get him for one more transfer, but knowing my luck, I've had a new comp every transfer. So we tag team tract a lot with the Zone leaders. Well for a few reasons, they cover the University Ward with all the college students and it is in our boundaries and also we count it as double tracting time. Haha. Well have a great week. Love, Elder Hinton

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