Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 2, 2009

Dear Family, This has been a pretty good week. Been working out hardcore each morning and drinking 3 gallons of water every day. So the weirdest thing happened. We got picked up by a member for dinner and were going to teach his wife a lesson, she is about to be baptized. But he said she is sick so I am going to take you out to eat and then we are going to a basketball game. I don't know if this was legit or not but he is like ya my 18yr old daughter is a cheerleader and wants to start taking the lessons. So we went to a full length basketball game. I felt out of place, haha, 2 missionaries sitting in a gym. President might not like that one if he found out! I weighed myself Sunday night and I was 210, so hopefully 180 soon! Can you believe transfers are in a week and a half? Isn't that nuts? I am really hoping I stay here with Elder Barney another transfer but we will see what happens. It was a cool experience. Their house was haunted. It was crazy. But I was able to give a lot of blessings this week too, one of our investigators and her 3 kids were all sick and we were able to give each one of them a blessing. Oh by the way... about Kasey growing taller, all that means is the harder he will fallwhen I get home... haha. So I've been watching what I eat, and I have turned down soda 3 times now at dinner and just had water, what am I doing??? Don't worry it is only temporary I swear, then I will be back to my Dr. Pepper. Keep the letters coming! Love, Elder Hinton

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