Monday, August 3, 2009

Letter and Pics! Good Ol Kyler!

Even though I am emailing you today I figured I would write this letter to appease Dad! Yesterday we had the baptism for Heather Burrill. Way exciting! We had like most of the Ward come to it. Crazily spiritual! Elder Lanham got to baptize her. It was super sweet. So yesterday morning before District Meeting we are helping this nonmember family move to Bozeman. After District Meeting this family that we helped move picked us up to give us a ride back to Livingston. As we are leaving they hand us 2 gifts cards each. She is like I know you told me you don’t accept anything but I already paid for these and you are taking them. Elder Lanham and I each got a $25 giftcards to Chili’s and Applebees. That is indeed a tender mercy. Then when we got home we went for 3 ½ hours cleaning some crazy ladies house before we went to the baptism. So last week we indeed taught 30 discussions again. So far in this transfer including the last 2 days we have taught a total of 161 lessons since I have been in Livingston. We find out in 2 days if we are getting transferred or not. So my 10 month mark came and went and now I’m working on the big 11. Time flies. So we are getting good use out of those bikes. Biking like flippen crazy. If I find out I am getting transferred I am going to have to go find a bike box. This evening we have a lesson with Shelby Felkins who we will be setting a date with. Keith Brown, who I hardcore committed to stop drinking coffee, doesn’t feel he should so we are back to square one with him. But he did promise to come to church on Sunday. So I am using WOW to help people, met this 20 year old kid and since I’ve been coming over every week, talking WOW with him and then blasting him with the spirit, he has been coming back to Church which he hasn’t been in 2 years and is now working on receiving the Melchezidek Priesthood. Oh last Saturday we were biking down a street and the Fawcett family in our Ward calls out to us. They are having a family reunion and they want us to come eat watermelon with them, so of course we do and they have some family members from Peoria, AZ there and we get to talking and the lady is like WHAT??? You are a Hinton? And I am like Duh.. that’s what the tag says. She is like , I have some Hinton’s in my Ward back home. I am like, “Sean and Micole”? She is like “Yeah, he was my Bishop.” She was probably in her high 20’s but I forgot to get her name. But Holy Cow you can find a connection anywhere. Even in good ‘ole Livingston, MT. How funny is that? Well umm guys and gals, you owe me some flippen letters and pictures. So send them or else. (smiley face)

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