Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 7, 2009

Dear Family, (Letter received Sat. Nov. 7)

I decided that I better write you a letter before I get killed by one of you. Haha Well life is going great. Out here in Wolf Point is fantastic. We are 1 of only 7 companionships in our mission that are still in an apartment. The natives here on the Fort Peck Reservation are way awesome. There is a ton of history here in the Wolf Point area. 5 miles out of town is a city called Oscwego. That is where Chicken Hill is. If I were you I would look up all the things that happened at Chicken Hill by Melvin J. Ballard. He performed mighty miracles and prophecied of great things. 100 years ago he prophecied that one day a temple would be built at Chicken Hill. I am here to tell you that I am going to be a major part of that prophecy. We have enough members for 2 wards in Wolf Point, 1 in Frazer, 3 in Poplar, 1 in Plentywood and 1 in Scobey which are all on the Ft. Peck Reservation. We have enough members to have a Stake here. We are so excited to get this work going and to reactivate the members that we went to Pres. Gardner this past weekend when we were in Glendive for Stake Conference. We told him our feelings and how we wanted to make this work blossom and how we were going to be a defining factor for this prophecy to come to pass. We asked that we get more missionaries in Wolf Point and Poplar. Pres. Gardner loves this sacred ground especially since his father served a mission here 70 years ago. So he told us he would do whatever he could. He called me yesterday and told me he was going to make it happen. We are so excited. You don’t understand the amount of work we will be able to accomplish now. Right now we have a branch building that at like maximum capacity holds 50 people. I plan on reactivating flippen everyone. I am going to see this building overflow week after week so that the First Presidency will have to step in and start building us full-sized ward buildings and eventually a Stake Center. These natives are the most kind hearted, gracious people I have ever met.

The BuckElk family also knew and loved Grandma and Grandpa. All I have ever heard was by far they were some of the best missionaries that have ever been here. To hear stories about Grandpa Hinton driving over peoples lawns cracks me up. Haha Sister BuckElk who's maiden name is Headress was saying they were laying sod in their front yard and here comes Elder Hinton driving up over the sidewalk and across the lawn haha.... she said he was a hoot. To see pictures of them and the people is a heart toucher. There is still a seminary program here today but they only do it once a week on Wednesday night. Hey mother, this is something that will freak you out. 20 miles away in Poplar where Elder Beck and Elder Searle are serving (they both came out with me and I go over there a few times a week) anyway it has the highest stabbing rate in the country! How cool is that. Haha But you don’t need to be scared. We are loved by everyone and people don’t mess with the “God men”. I am completely in love with Wolf Point. By far it will be the best place I will ever serve on my mission. Every person we talk to invites us back and sets up an appointment. We have too much going to focus on both our investigators and reactivation so that is why we are getting more missionaries.

Okay, here is a cool experience that happened last night. We went over to an investigators house. They both will be baptized but we are waiting for them to get married. Well Cynthia’s soon to be husband is not home for our appointment, but her brother Karl from Hardin is there. So we start talking and visiting with them a bit. And pretty much our attention turns to Karl who is telling us that his kids have been taken away from him (who mean the world to him) but we find out it is because he smokes weed. He is explaining to us he does it to solve his problems for a temporary time. I then proceed to tell him that I have something very special that could solve his problems for life and even for eternity. He turns to me, crying, and tells me that is what he wants and that is what he needs. I end up teaching him about 2 lessons and I give him 2 chapters to read and pray about from the B of M. We are coming back today to see how his reading last night went. He is coming to Church on Sunday and we are bringing him to the addiction recovery program. It was way cool. Oh, this Sunday I get the opportunity to talk in Church. That will be great. We have a new branch President, who is native which is awesome. We have so much going for us. It’s funny when everyone else who doesn’t live in Eastern Montana and the rest of the missionaries do not understand the things they are missing. This will become the most coveted spot in the mission because of what happens here in the next few months. I really think this is my last area. It would be 10 ½ months but stranger things have happened. I told Pres. Gardner in my President’s letter about how I always knew I would serve in Wolf Point. It was only a matter of time. I love you all lots. Now send me letters and names of people Grandma and Grandpa taught.

Love, Elder Hinton

1 comment:

John Holbrook said...

I came across this blog looking for a story about the vision at chicken hill in wolfpoint. i server a few years ago in glendive which is in the same district, I was privilaged to visit wolfpoint on several occasions and was blessed to meet some wonderful people up. I wish you the best with the people and if you ever get to glendive tell the young family that elder holbrook says hi
man it brings back so many memories of the wonderful people of montana and wyomin and parts of north dakota, it is the best mission out there
best wishes on the rest of your mission
john holbrook