Saturday, April 18, 2009

April 15, 2009

Okay here goes nothing, since Mommy is complaining so much about a letter not being able to be posted on the blog, here is the letter. This week has been the same old same old. The weather has turned to the worst again this week it is now snowing outside again and it is supposed to be getting worse and worse towards the end of this week. Last month we had a total of 45 baptisms it wasnt bad but 8 were not confirmed in the month of February so Salt Lake's report says we had 53 which is awesome!!! In the mornings we study, then we hitch a ride to the mission home where i will forward all the mail each and every day, call all the referrals out and call everyone with non contacted referrals and get on their case and then I will submit all the baptismal records that we have received from missionaries and send them to salt lake then i pring up a report for the stake president from the stake where the person was baptized i then type up a form letter and send it to the recent convert, I then update the numbers on our huge baptismal board. Usually we get picked up for dinner around 5 and then dinner drops us off where we need to go after that. But it has been really hard to get dinners lately since the ward we cover (Which is Blue Creek) is south of the river all the way until Wyoming Border so getting out to proselyte in our area is a huge pain in the butt and sometimes it is rough when a dinner falls through an when appointments cancel because we cant really get out to where we need to go since the sisters always have the car. So we do eat out alot being office Elders mainly i grab 69 cent tacos from Del Taco. Yesterday for District meeting we went to Red Robin afterwards, there were 6 of us and a member from our ward the olsons paid all of our bills it was really nice. Sister Granja the Brazillian sister left tuesday and flew back to finish her mission in nauvoo, so now Sister parks who just got back from BYU Idaho is now a temporary sister for the next 3 weeks until a new missionary flies in to be companions with sister lingmann. President Fisher has been gone this whole week because he is touring the mission doing Zone Conferences and Sister Fisher is back with her so that is really good. Our Zone Conference is next monday or tuesday i believe. This Sunday will be great, all the missionaries are going to The Heights stake conference (the other stake in Billings) we are then going to listen to Elder Oaks then following his talk we will be fed and the Elder Oaks is going to speak specifically to the missionaries, and only the missionaries around billings will get to hear him since it is too much to bring the missionaries from wyoming and missoula/kalispell. but ya thats pretty much what is happening. IS THIS A BIG ENOUGH LETTER FOR YOU???
Elder FLippen Hinton

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