Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wed. Oct. 22, 2008

Dear Family,
So we tract a lot and we have a full time car wooot but we only have a certain amount of miles to cover our large area of Sheridan, Twin Bridges, Laurin, Virginia City, Nevada City, Whitehall, Silver Star, and about 12 other tiny blink of the eye towns. It is getting chilly it snowed all yesterday. WE get up in the morning and run and it hurts because u can’t breathe and the wind pierces the skin. They say pretty soon it will be negative temperatures haha. Well I have not received any letters while out in the field yet because being in this new area we did not have a PO Box we just set up yesterday and they sent us our
mail so we should be getting it today or tomorrow. You can send mail to the mission home and they will forward it to me but if u send packages u have to send them priority. But my address well my PO box is: PO BOX 704 Sheridan, MT 59749-0704 But ya we are getting the work going the first weekend was rough lots of tracting and no lessons but monday we taught 5 lessons and yesterday we were on team ups with the district leaders and we tracted a ton. We had our first baptism Last saturday we kind of walked into it which was funny but mine and elder Hansen's names get the credit haha. Lots of people are very interested and
the members are overjoyed to finally have missionaries. Hopefully we will have time to write some letters and i can get them mailed off to people that is if we have time in between our games of Risk, Monopoly and Basketball. just kidding. But ya it is starting to get extremely cold but the scenary out here is unbelievable. We see at least 20 deer daily. I was within 5 feet of one before it took off....Mission president says to not try and pet them but I am a rebel. We have to stop a ton on the roads and wait for packs of deer to bound across. We
always try and get behind a semi so he can demolish them so we don’t have to worry. So ya what else do you want to know. Gonna read a couple of other letters here real quick and will email u more if i have the time.

Tell everyone I’d send them replies with emails but mission president says I’m not allowed so I will write letters. Tons of CRAZY HEATHENS here in Montana haha. but we have listened to some crazy people while here and we put them in there place haha. One guy told me he was saved because he was 75 years old and he was still a virgin I told him congratulations and he should now wait for the millenium. but anyways I have to run gotta check the mail, wash the car and play risk muahahahhaha. I will write as much as I can to catch people up today but ya until next week oh ya, pictures - it’s not working yet if I have to when we go into Butte I might print them off then send them home will figure it out as soon as I can.
Love ya all,
ELder Kyler Wayne Hinton

Note From Mom: We got a letter in the mail that he wrote the first day from the mission home. He flew into Billings in a small plane and it was all white when he arrived there. He thinks the Mission President and wife are awesome. He says he can only e-mail one person so Heningers and Sorensens you will have to e-mail what you want to your boys from Kyler’s letters. He says he can go to the Billings Temple every six weeks if he is within 120 miles! That’s the scoop. Kathy

Monday, October 20, 2008

Kyler's First Area In Montana!

Thursday, Oct. 16, 2008

Dear Family,

So P-day will be Wednesday but I was traveling on a bus all day long and was not able to email. I have been assigned to and am in Sheridan MT right now with my companion Elder Hansen (From Texas). We are living underneath a store from a member Brother Jensen. AND IT IS HUGE. It used to be his house for like his 9 kids but we have almost everything and we are making a list and will have everything we need by Sunday. It has its own washer and other place has there own washer and dryer. We have about 5 rooms we can pick from to sleep in and it has a humongous family room and kitchen. oh and it has 2 bathrooms so it makes it a lot easier and faster to get ready in the morning. The cool thing about here is this is the first time missionaries have been here. It is a brand new area and me and Elder Hansen have been doubled in meaning we both have never been here and there is not very much information since no missionaries have been here and if they were here they were only here for like 1 day out of every 2-3 months because it was so far out of the way. So my first area in my mission I get the most brand new area possible. Sheridan MT. And yes it is cold haha. Well we have tons to do our schedules are jammed pack. We don’t have any dinners by members yet because this is a new area hopefully the Bishop will feed us tonight or we will get things going by Sunday. But ya I sat on the bus for 6-7 hours yesterday it was fun stuff. There is no snow yet where I am but supposedly it is one of the colder areas in Montana. They just say don’t get sent to Cutbank for the winter the record low is somewhere around -75. Well I have got to jet have to go set up a PO Box love you all very much.

Elder Kyler Wayne Hinton

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday, October 9

how is it going family i would try sending photo's but apparently it doesnt work here in the MTC and since i have very limited time im not going to bother sending any until i get to montana. So as i told you before i am flying out tuesday morning and will call while i am waiting to board the plane. This past week was alright it goes by so fast. The rumors tuesday about henry B or David bednar speaking was just a rumor but we heard this magnificent talk by an elder named Tad R Callister who talked on becoming a consecrated missionary which was super awesome. Ive been in classes waaaaay too long and am ready to get out in the field I got an email from Chris and he was here for 12 weeks i think id rather kill myself but im pretty sure after 12 weeks the MTC cafeteria food would do that for you anyways. So what has been happening in the family? I get to go to the temple again today at 2:30 i love the provo temple it is amazing inside its built in like a circular shape inside and goes way beneath ground it is tight. Well how r my bros? So i am just chilling today its a relaxed day im do laundry at 1030 then i eat lunch at 1230 and then chill till i go to the temple. did u even get my last letter? i cant check this until every P-day which is kind of lame. I do Like the Dear Elders since they are pretty much instant. well i will email u again maybe in a few min. Im going to write chris back real quick but what else do u want to know about my days at the MTC? I wake up-study-eat breakfast-study-lunch-study-dinner-study-sleep. Its a pretty awesome schedule dont ya think haha well type u back in a few min
> Elder Kyler Wayne Hinton

Just kidding i crack myself up hahahahahaha. Sooooo kasey and kurtis gonna do any sports this year? Geez get out there and join the Football team if u even remotely think your gonna be able to take me in a wrestling match when i get home. Kurtis hows the cello going i keep hearing musical numbers here with the cello and i keep thinking of u playing the cello on your mission at the mtc haha. Hope everything is going well. Dad, r u enjoying your break from school? i hope mom is working u into the ground. So we go to the TRC alot and thats where we teach volunteers who are investigators and elder clouse and i rock it like non other. The other companionships cant ocmpare to how much we rock. Well i have 12 min left im going to try and see if pictures work at all
> Elder Hinton

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Thursday, October 2

How is it going Family,
> I hope all is well I am having a blast here at the MTC. At the moment my clothes are in the dryer so i am typing a letter for your reading pleasure. so as you know now my email is Emails will be nice but to tell you the truth with the very limited time we have on here Letters through the mail are fantastic. I am learning loads here in the MTC. It is amazing how much you lear by the spirit. I believe i answered most of your questions in the letter i will be sending today. I cant wait for this weekend for General Conference it will be a freaking blast to be able to write a bijillion notes and be able to study them. How are the other missionaries in the field doing? I cant wait to fly out to Montana and begin freezing. We will be getting our flight plans tomorrow. Then i will know wheni will be in the airport and when i can call your cell phone mom. The spirit is crazy here especially the sister missionaries that we taught one was 24 and the other was 26 its amazing that even after the age to go they are here serving their lord. I am having a blast we get to ball it up every other day pretty much, Elder CLouse and I utterly dominate the b-ball court.Anything exciting happen in the family? Kasey and Kurtis still being bums? haha. Korey + Crystal pregnant yeT? if not it will be soon lawlz. How are my nephews and neices doing? Whats been happening? Kasey surviving highschool. Think of it this way you think high school is long wait until your in the MTC and have a 14 hour day that you are getting everything about the gospel thrown at you and you have to remember and then come outside your comfort zone and preach the gospel. Id like it to be known that i am pretty sure i dont have a comfort zone i talk to who i want and say what i need whenever muahahahaha. well you know me lol. Dad is on break now huh? what a bummer for you mom im sorry maybe you can talk him into going back to work for those 2 weeks if not just make a list crazy long and put that boy to work. Maybe make him clean the mess of a room i left haha. Goooood Times. Grandma and Grandpa you guys are the best i love you guys a ton. The caffeine free dr.pepper is nothing compared to the dr.pepper by Grandma hehe. You guys are the best and i will try and write you an individual letter later today after i attend the temple. The spirit does work on you like non other i will tell you what it is amazing you better be ready kasey you are next. What are you ever going to do mom without taking me to lunch everyday? you must be so devastated i am sorry. I have an idea while dad is on break make him fix his own food and you go out and get your self a nice chipotle bowl and since i wont be there to eat it i guess give it to Kurtis = ). Man time goes quick i still have 13 min but geez 30 min to register my email and start typing geeez i guess they dont want to give me time to download an illegal version of World of Warcraft and start gaming it up hahaha i crack myself up. Who is going to keep Ryland entertained while i am gone. I would vote send him up to my dungeon and let him sit in my throne of a computer chair and put on NACHOOOOO LIBREEEEE for him. When i get home we are gonna duke it out!!!!! Well im getting used to being in church clothes 24/7 now that its finally P-day its weird not being in my white shirt and tie with my magnificent suit. I have only worn my blue suit because i figure i will dry clean it before i leave the MTC and both my suits will be ready for the field instead of getting them both dry cleaned....see im so smart. And geez i have 11 shirts but if they arent dirty why wear a new one muahaha. My companion wore his for a week freaking ridiculous lol. So pretty much i am owning this MTC up. The first few days and especially the first day was really long and drawn out and almost boring since we were sitting in alot of Large Group Meetings but when we are in the classroom with just me and 7 other elders its alot of fun especially when we go to the TRC, TEC, or the RC to practice lessons or call people on the phone or just have workshops. What a blast its been so far and i can only see it getting better as i get more familiar with the doctrine. We have 3 main things while teaching Find the investigators needs then extend a commitment and then use doctrines to back up what we told. It alot more than that but thats what we have been working on last night. we will only get through part of lesson 3 in the MTC and we will have to get Lesson 4 on the go. But just getting to know the investigator and finding out exactly what they need is the best way of teaching them. They have also stressed the I Will commitments to get them to do stuff we ask them. I am grateful I can be here on my mission and i am going to be the best missionary ever so you wait and see the heavens are going to be opened and blessings will be poured down you wait and see. 5 min left on this email what ever will i do. I got a warning and now it is flashing....dang its a bummer the download of Wow hasnt finished yet.....Not.. well what else is there. not much I pretty much rock this work and Montana will be wowed by Elder Kyler Wayne Hinton and how much spunk he has people are already amazed well i have to jet its getting bigger and blinking faster. I love you guys very much and everyone who has supported me and helped me get on this mission.....Oh and GO BYU COUGARS YESSSSS. Well until next week maybe i will try and sneak another letter i might get a slap on the wrist welll cya later take it easy and give Brother Chatwin a hard time for me i have a picture of Elder Haviland of me but i forgot my camera so next week sinc ei have no more time to use the internet sorry. Love u guys very much.
> Elder Kyler Wayne Hinton